Baby shower gift: the best gifts to receive

15 February 2024

Hurray! There’s a baby on the way! Nothing is more festive than the birth of a child. But before the little one has actually arrived, you can already celebrate their arrival with a baby shower. This is the perfect moment to place the parents-to-be in the spotlight, have a great get-together with family and friends, enjoying tasty bites and of course, planning a gift moment. Are you still looking for the perfect baby shower gift? Then continue reading and discover our list of the best baby shower gifts.

Baby shower gift tip 1: a diaper cake

What do new parents really need? Diapers! And lots of ‘m! The ultimate baby shower gift is not only fun, but also practical. With a diaper cake you provide the mum and dad to be with a much-needed stash and add a festive twist while at it! And guess what? There are absolutely no rules! From cute baby socks to a pair of tiny baby shoes on top of the cake. You can make it as crazy as you want. Roll the diapers together, put some elastic bands around them et voilá, you’re done!

Subsequently, you can decorate the diaper cake with gits like a sweet onesie, cute socks and an enchanting night light, a cheerful bath duck or even a small bath set. And as a cherry on the (diaper) cake? Hide a gift card like the Harrods gift card inside!

Baby shower gift tip 2: cute baby clothes

Another practical but also super cute baby shower gift are baby clothes. Whether you choose furry materials or pretty patterns, comfortable and stylish clothes are something every parent can use. Think of that tough looking onesie, those velvety socks, or those irresistibly cute pyjamas. Would you like to add to the baby’s wardrobe but have no idea which baby clothes to get? With a gift card like the H&M gift card you can never go wrong.

Do you even already know the name of the baby? Then you can opt for personalised baby clothes and have the name of the little one printed on a onesie, pyjamas, or a baby hat. It adds a nice personal touch to your baby shower gift

Baby shower gift 3: a gift package

A gift package specially selected by you? An explosion of fun! If you simply cannot choose from all those fantastic baby shower gifts then this is the perfect solution. Away with the doubts! Compose a lovely basket with the most vital baby products, like diapers, baby wipes and a bottle of baby shampoo.

Or even better, why not choose that ultrasoft stuffed animal even adults are secretly jealous of? Or those oh-so-comfy baby clothes that are so cute they instantly put a smile on your face. With a gift package you give exactly what you want to give! You can even add a Choice Gift Card. That way you give the new parents the freedom to choose what they need the most.

Baby shower gift 4: a storybook

A collection of books as a baby shower gift? Great idea! Dive in the wondrous world of letters and stories and give the parents to be a wealth of knowledge and fun. Would you like to provide them with some wise lessons on pregnancy and parenting? Or would you rather choose super cute children’s books that spark absolute joy when you read them out loud?

Of course, all those books can result in some choice stress… So if you get overwhelmed trying to put together the perfect collection of children’s books, then rescue yourself with the National Book Tokens Gift Card. Book love to the fullest!

Baby shower gift 5: gift for the mum-to-be

Besides numerous baby things, you can also bring a baby shower gift for the mum-to-be. How about a lovely pregnancy massage or a spa day for after the birth? Because let’s be fair, during this special period, she deserves nothing less than pure pampering and relaxation!

In addition, you can also give a handy gift voucher for a food delivery service, household help or a postnatal yoga session. Do you want to bet that the new mum will be over the moon for it?

Are you becoming a grandmother for the very first time? Or are you welcoming one more grandchild to adore? A baby shower gift from grandma can be just that little more special. The very best gift is one that tells as story and contains a special meaning. As a grandmother you can for example give an heirloom, a piece of jewellery with the name of the little one on it, or a photo album filled with the smiling faces of the whole family. Would you rather leave the choice to the parents? Then the All-in-1 choice for kids gift card is always a great idea! Give them the freedom to choose something themselves for that tiny new family member.

Whichever baby shower gift you choose, this small gesture of love no doubt will be appreciated. So why not choose something that perfectly fits the needs and taste of the parents to be? Enjoy this special occasion and of course, enjoy giving them your ultimate baby shower gift. Always happy to help!

Baby shower gift tip 6: a baby shower gift from grandma

Are you becoming a grandmother for the very first time? Or are you welcoming one more grandchild to adore? A baby shower gift from grandma can be just that little more special. The very best gift is one that tells as story and contains a special meaning. As a grandmother you can for example give an heirloom, a piece of jewellery with the name of the little one on it, or a photo album filled with the smiling faces of the whole family. Would you rather leave the choice to the parents? Then the All-in-1 choice for kids gift card is always a great idea! Give them the freedom to choose something themselves for that tiny new family member.

Whichever baby shower gift you choose, this small gesture of love no doubt will be appreciated. So why not choose something that perfectly fits the needs and taste of the parents to be? Enjoy this special occasion and of course, enjoy giving them your ultimate baby shower gift. Always happy to help!